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Lee Stephenson Corps Player of the year winners

by Shaun Foster

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2003 Corps player of the year Richard Hope receives the Trophy from RN Director of foofball Steve Johnson by Shaun Foster
2004 Corps Player of the year Terry Price with Maureen Stephenson by Shaun Foster
Maureen Stephenson receives a presentaion from George Carlon on the 10th Annivarsary of her sons tragic death, former Royal Marines Football captain Mne Lee Stephenson by Shaun Foster
1997 Corps Player of the year Shaun Foster with Capt Craven-Phillips by Fozzy
Ian Pomeroy Corps player of the year 2002 (left) for the second year running receives the trophy from UKLFcsg player Martin Carlon by Fozzy

Email: Fozzy at royalmarinesfootball dot co dot uk
Copyright: Fozzy
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